Design and Analysis of Rock Salt Subgrade of Lop Nur - Luozhong Railway |
LIN Tao1,REN Jin -long2,YI Xiao -juan2,JIANG wei1 |
1.Xinjiang Railway Survey and Design Institute,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830011,China; 2. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes:In this paper,the introduction is given to design plan for the track subgrade of the Lop Nur - Luozhong Railway and some effective and efficient approaches on dealing with rock salt problem are presented for studing whether the rock salt in Saline Lake area is available for roadbed filling and foundation supporting course or not to provide the reference to the similar works in future.
Research conclusions:(1) Although the rock salt is easily dissolved with water and its strength is reduced rapidly because it contains a large number of soluble salt,but it has good mechanical properties,so it is still available for the roadbed filling and the foundation supporting course of the railway in the Lop Nur with very less rainfall and saturated brine groundwater. (2) When the rock salt is used as roadbed filling,the attention should be paid to the maximum diameter of the broken rock salt because the porosity of rock salt is generally big. At the same time,the rock should be rolled densely while the measures of waterproof and drainage should be taken. (3) The way to determine whether the rock salt can be used as foundation supporting course is consistent to the common geotechnical method,but attention should be paid to the waterproofing treatment to the base of the rock salt.
Received: 01 January 2012
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