Design of Traction Power System for Large Railway Terminal Passenger Station |
CHU Zhen-yu, XU Xiao-rong, ZHI Hui, WANG Qiu-bin |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The large railway terminal passenger station, located in the junction of the several main railway lines and being the passenger traffic center of the railway terminal, is the large comprehensive railway facility composed of the connecting track, the EMU depot and locomotive depot, and it requires the more reliable and flexible traction power system. In this paper, the factors and measures to be considered and taken in design of the traction power system for the large railway terminal station are discussed and analyzed according to the characteristics of the large passenger station and the maintenance of traction power system. Research conclusions: (1) The traction substation should be set with priority for large passenger station, and the the reliability of power supply and flexibility of maintenance can be enhanced by subdividing the power supply unit on consideration of the situations of over-zone feeding and transition feeding. (2) For the large passenger station the traction substation and ordinary power substation should be combined into one with priority and the combined substation should consider the external power supply conditions to determine application of . branch connection or split connection of the bus (3) The indoor switch cabinets should be used for the combined substation preferentially to save land and decrease the influence on environment.
Received: 22 April 2012
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