Analysis of Main Influence Factors on Stability of Cutting Retaining Wall |
LUO Yi - nong,WEI Yong - xin,DING Zhao – feng |
China Railway Eryuan Group Co. Ltd,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes : ( 1 ) This paper analyzes the main influence factors on the stability of cutting retaining wall by using single - factor sensitivity analysis method in the risk management theory,gives the detailed introduction on the sensitivity analysis steps to find out the main influence factors on the function target,sort the risk factors according to their influence degree of risk factors and presents the measures and methods for prevention of the risk event in the design and construction by analyzing the change regulation of the stability on the sensitive degree and the influence factors.
Research conclusions: The angle of internal friction and soil severe are the key influence factors on the stability of retaining wall. (2) These two influence factors will change if the drainage system is poor,so the design and construction of drainage system are very important for the retaining wall. (3)The earth pressure of retaining wall can be reduced by increasing the width of the platform and reducing the ratio of slope to a certain extent. But these two measures will not work if the extent is exceeded,so they should be used reasonably in the design. (4) The research results can be used in subgrade supporting and retaining of railway and highway.
Received: 14 November 2012
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