Measurement and Analysis of Velocity and Flow Direction of Water in River-crossing Section of Line 2 of Hangzhou Metro |
YE Xiang-qian1, LIU Jian-gang2 |
1.Hangzhou Geotechnical Engineering and Surverying Research Institute, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310012, China; 2.Hohai University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210098, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The velocity and flow direction of groundwater will affect the effect of metro engineering with freezing method. It is necessary to measure and analyze the velocity and flow direction of the groundwater in river-crossing section due to the complex hydrogeological conditions in this area. In the process of detailed geological survey for the river-crossing section of the Line 2 of Hangzhou metro, the determinations of the velocity and flow direction of the groundwater flow in three boreholes (one in the south bank and another two in the north bank) were made with single hole dilution method to know the horizontal velocity, horizontal flow direction and vertical velocity of the phreatic water and artesian water on both banks of the Qiantang River.
Research conclusions: (1) There is no obvious vertical velocity of the groundwater flow on both banks of the Qiantang River. (2)The horizontal velocities of phreatic water and artesian water are far less than 5m/d. (3)The groundwater's velocity and flow direction on both banks of the Qiantang River have a little influence on the construction of the river-crossing section of Line 2 of Hangzhou metro with freezing method.(4)In the case of no influence by nearby engineering construction (such as precipitation), the velocity of the groundwater in the Hangzhou area is generally slow with little influence on the construction of the metro engineering or municipal tunnel project with freezing method. So it is proposed it is unnecessary to do the determination of the velocity and flow direction of the groundwater during the engineering investigation in future.
Received: 11 March 2013
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