esearch on Shear Lag Effect of Twin-Cell Box Girders |
LIN Peng-zhen,SUN Li-xiang,YANG Zi-jiang,JI Wei |
Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730070,China |
Abstract Research purposes:When mufti-cell box girder is bending, there are many models of shear lag corresponding to its calculation model of longitudinal stress based on elementary beam theory. On the basis of analyzing the shear lag basic models and mechanical mechanism,shear lag effect of a railway simple supported twin-cell box girder is calculated which applied by concentrated force on mid span and uniform load on full span. With the changing of Height-span ratio,shear lag effect of different load models are discussed.
Research conclusions;(1)For twin-cell box girders,there are more shear lag effect models corresponding to its longitudinal symmetric load model,meanwhile there is much difference between different models.(2)In all shear lag effect models,the most prominent model is concentrated force only applied on mid web. Also,this model is affected by the height-span ratio most obviously.(3)Considering the multiple patterns of shear lag effect,in designing of mufti- cell box girder, the influence of different load models of shear lag effect should be considered fully. ( 4 ) The simulation method and results of this paper have some reference value for design and mechanical analysis of mufti-cell box Girders.
Received: 12 August 2013
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