Study on Application Comprehensive Geophysical Exploration Combining with Seismic Tomography with Seismic Imaging Method |
LIU Zhenming1, LIU Shiqi2, TANG Xiaomou3 |
he Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300251, China |
Abstract Research purposes: In the railway survey process,we often encounter problems such as goaf and other geological hazards. For this type of irregular geological hazards,the geophysical exploration is an effective method. This paper makes the seismic imaging method and seismic tomography method integrated applications as an example. In order to give full play to the advantages of the two geophysical methods and complement each other, it first develops the test of seismic imaging method to fix a rough spatial distribution in goaf quickly; then, based on the seismic imaging results, it arranges to drill holes to carry out the seismic tomography work,in order to explore the spatial distribution in goaf subtly. It discussed the effectiveness of the two methods with engineering examples.
Research conclusions:(1)Seismic imaging method and seismic tomography method both have advantages and disadvantages: seismic imaging method could fix the goaf plane position efficiently and swiftly,but the depth range error is larger; seismic tomography holds the features of high resolution,great reliability, and visual pictures, but it need the help of drilling to carry out.(2)Giving full play to the merits of the two geophysical methods can reduce the drilling holes number and improve the exploration accuracy.(3)Comprehensive application of the two geophysical methods in exploration of goaf is reasonable and feasible, it has guiding significance for similar geophysical work.
Received: 21 August 2013
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