Study on Horizontal and Vertical Temperature Gradient of Ballastless Track on Curve Line |
DAI Gong-lian, SU Hai-ting, YAN Bin |
Central South University, Changsha,Hunan 410075, China |
Abstract Research purposes:In order to get the time-varying rules of temperature field distribution in the track structure with superelevation and build the horizontal and vertical temperature gradient of ballastless track, a continuous observation of CRTS Ⅱ by using temperature sensors on curve segment of a passenger dedicated line was held.Research conclusions:(1) The temperature change of ballastless track between daytime and nighttime is big, the temperature changing value of surface was 24.7℃ in maximum, 19℃ in average. (2) The temperature changing value became small and the time of maximum temperature come late with the increase of distance to surface. (3) At the bottom of the track structure, the temperature changing value was 6.1℃ in maximum, 5.0℃ in average. (4) Fitting curve of vertical temperature gradient of longitudinally connected ballastless track on curve line can be exponential curve, and the curve sharp can match the distribution about the vertical temperature gradient of the code for design of bridge and culvert in China. (5) The horizontal temperature gradient of the CRTS Ⅱ longitudinally connected ballastless track included the track slab and support layer, temperature gradient of track slab could be fitted by using quadratic function, temperature gradient of support layer could be fitted by using piecewise linear function. (6) This study can provide guidance for the temperature load model in the design of high speed railway in central China.
Received: 25 February 2014
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