Research on the Law and Controlled Limit Value of Transverse Deformation for Shield Tunnel in Soft Clay |
ZHU Bin |
Nanjing Metro Corporation, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210024, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The transverse deformation of shield tunnel may deeply threaten the safety of tunnel structure.Excessive deformation may lead segment joints to open and leak and segments to craze. The deformation may even cause insufficient cross-section limit and the missing of structural-load-carrying capacity of the tunnel. On the other hand, it costs a lot to repair and reinforce the shield tunnel. In order to determine the proper moment to repair segments and ensure the safety of tunnel structure as well as economical efficiency, it is necessary to study the deformation law and limit value of the transverse section of the tunnel.Research conclusions:Based on the analysis of the influencing factors to causing the transverse deformation, the following conclusions was proposed: (1) The root of transverst deformation is increase of vertical and horizontal load ratio. (2)The shield tunnel properties of Nanjing Metro Line 2 was adapted to analyze the relationship between the variation of tunnel horizontal diameter andmaximum rate of joint opening,tress rate of both bolt and concrete using numerical simulation, furthermore the controlled limit value of transverse deformationwas got,the bolt tress achieve maximal strength when the variation of tunnel horizontal diameter reach 123 mm for sequential segment seams,and 127 mm for staggeredsegment seams, which means severely threaten to the safety of shield tunnel. Finally the precontrol and governance methodswere delivered to different influencing factors. (3)The research results can provide references to determine the controlling methods and restoration moment of the transverse deformation.
Received: 26 May 2014
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