Research on the Dynamic Response of Pile-plank Wall for High Embankmentin High Intensity Seismic Area
JIANG Chu-sheng1,LI Qing-hai1,CAO Xin-wen2 |
1. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031,China; 2. Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu, Sichuan 610000,China
Abstract Abstract:Research purposes:Yuxi-Mengzi Railway located in Yunnan province belongs to south extension of Qinghai-〖JP〗Tibet Plateau, where as the geological environment is complicated there is active neotectonics, earthquake strikes frequently in this region. The high-slope embankment on Yuxi-Mengzi Railway is strengthened by pile-plank wall in the design. For the seismic performance evaluation of pile-plank wall, the vibrating table test was conducted to study the stability, settlement and displacement of pile-plank wall of retaining structure under the seismic load and analyze dynamic response of pile-plank wall under different seismic acceleration. The anti-seismic reliability of the retaining structure is researched, compared and analyzed with the current design and calculation method.
Research conclusions:(1)The horizontal displacement of pile-plank wall , moment of pile body and soil pressure of retaining plate increases with increase of the seismic acceleration. (2)When the seismic intensity is equal to or more than 8 degrees, for the moment of pile body and soil pressure of retaining plate, the test value are more than design value calculated by quasi-static method. This means when the earthquake intensity is less than or equal to 7 degrees, the structure can be designed according to the traditional quasi-static method and when the intensity is equal to or more than 8 degrees, the structure′s safety factor should be appropriately increased.
(3) The results have been successfully applied to the embankment retaining reinforcement engineering of many new double-track railways in high-intensity seismic area.
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