Development and Application of a Remote Safety Monitoring System for Bridge Girder Launching Equipment |
YUAN Ming |
China Railway Group Limited, Beijing 100039, China |
Abstract Abstract:Research purposes: For the purpose of ensuring the safe operation of large tonnage transport and erection equipment in high speed railway construction, a specific remote system based on modern information technology is developed, which implements remote, high speed and multidirectional interconnection of equipment group, provides a new mode of monitoring and managing the safety of high speed railway construction involving large tonnage (more than 900t)transport and erection equipment.
Research conclusions:(1) It is in accordance with the trend of informatization of large construction equipment to improve safety monitoring & management in the remote system through modern information technology. (2) The remote system can improve the timeliness and reliability of making decision through effective communication and management. (3) The remote system can ensure a high speed railway project be successful when it is completed in terms of safety, effectiveness, time and cost. (4) The remote system can provide very useful experience for reference in terms of the safe operation of railway construction equipment and highway construction equipment
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