The Discussion and Research on Tensile Methods for Load - dispersive Anchor |
FU Wen - guang,HU Jian - lin |
MCC Central Research Institute of Building and Construction Co. Ltd,Beijing 100088,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The purpose is to study and discuss the tensioning and locking methods that the load could be added accurately for the load - dispersive anchor when only one jack is used.
Research conclusions: The more jacks synchronized method should be adopted preferentially when a load - dispersive anchor is tensioning and locking. There are whole pulling whole locking,whole pulling single locking,compensation tensioning,single pulling single locking and loop single pulling single locking methods when only one jack is used and tensioned one time. Among them,the whole pulling whole locking method and the whole pulling single locking method are rarely used because of much error,the compensation tensioning method is relatively reasonable since the elastic displacement difference between unit anchors has compensated and so used more often,single pulling single locking method could meet the actual demand of most engineering when pulling and locking in the order of unit anchors’length from short to long. But all the methods above are not accurate enough to add the load. The loop single pulling single locking method is based the load control,it is a new method that worthy to be lucubrated and popularized since that the load is added accurately,tensioning load loss and locking load loss is small,the work is simple,construction machinery is small,and it is appropriate for all load - dispersive anchor even when they have the different design capacity.
Received: 05 May 2011
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