Safety Influence of Blasting Vibration on Multistory Building
YU Lei
China Society of Engineering Blasting, Beijing 100070, China |
Abstract Abstract:Research purposes: The vibration amplification (motion at the top was amplified from the bottom motion) of general multistory buildings responding to blasting vibration was analyzed by monitoring structure response of different floors and observing the safety effect of blasting vibration.Additionally, the vibration allowable index for safety and comfort of residential buildings had been put forwardaccording to the usage state.
Research conclusions:(1) When blasting vibration frequency was close to natural frequency of abuilding, the ground blasting vibration would be amplified in the upper portion of this multistory building,while blasting vibration frequency was well above natural frequency of the building, thevibration amplification of multistory building responding to blasting vibration would not easy occur.(2) According to the possibility of vibration amplification of multistory building responding to different vibration sources, suggestions were put forward that blasting vibration monitoring of different floors should be carried out if the building location was more than 100m away from explosion source, but only the vibrationof building bottom could be monitored under high frequency blasting vibration if the building was at a short distance of explosion source.(3) Safety values of controllingblasting vibration of different buildings were proposed according to requirements of building structural safety, decoration materialsafety and indoor comfort. (4) The research results can provide references for blasting vibration controlling in railway stonework blasting excavation.
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