Discussion on Problem s in Upgrading of Existing Railway Line |
YANG Yuan- min |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd. , Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes: According to the requirements of the new technological policy and new standards and codes, and based on the analys is of and study on the problem that the upgrading of existing railway is not adaptive to the new standards and codes, in this paper the discussions aremade on the rationality of double-stack container for existing railway and change of the maintenance system after building the second line, and the basic thoughts are presented on solving the problems in upgrading of the existing railway line
Research conclusions:The problem s in upgrading of existing railway line should be analyzed concretely on the basis of project character, the development trend of new railway technology, the requirements of new railway standards and codes and the principle of avoiding too much demolition and change of existing railways. The newly built railway line must meet the new standards and codes completely, and the upgrading of existing railways should consider the currents ituation of the existing railway line and the developments ituation in future, and is adaptive to the new standards and codes as much as possible under condition of meeting the needs of project functions.
Received: 13 May 2010
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