Effect of Standing Times on Post·--construction Settlement of Clay Loess Subgrade |
PEI Li—jun,WU Lian—hai |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin 300251,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The change law of post—construction settlement of one passenger dedicated line clay Loess subgrade without pre—loading is predicted under different standing times with curve fitting method.
Research conclusions: From the prediction analysis with curve fitting method it is concluded after excavation or filling of the subgrade,the subgrade settlement is large when the subgrade stands within 4 months,the subgrade settlement tends to slow down when the subgrade stands for 4-6 months and the subgrade settlement tends to stable when the subgrade stands for more than 6 months.Although there is the difference of settlement prediction between using logarithmic curve method and hyperbola method,but the difference Call be solved by using the medium value of these two methods to ensure the prediction conforming to the real situation.
Received: 16 April 2010
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