Control Measures for Sand Storm for Newly Built Railway from Kashgar to Kmotan |
SUN Liang—xin |
China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Ltd.,Xian,Shanxi 710043,China |
Abstract Research purposes: With implement of the strategy of developing northwest China,the path of railway construction in northwest China will be speeded up.Some railways will be built in sand storm area.This paper analyzes the the key elements that should be paid attention to in design of railway subgrade in sand storm area and offers the principle of railway alignment in sand stiorm area and control measures for sand storm for providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions: The railway alignment in sand storm area should be conducted according the type of sand storm,and the control measures should be taken for sand storm.It is proposed the control measures of railway itself should be taken along with plane control measures to guarantee the safety of railway traffic.
Received: 16 May 2010
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