Design of Traffic Safety for Line 1 of BRT in Xiamen |
HUANG Jing |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The Line 1 of BRT in Xiamen is the first elevated BRT that remains the condition for upgrading it into the urban rail transit. As there is no emergence zone and up and down ramps on the bridge, the traffic jam and the secondary traffic accident probably happen if the event happens suddenly. In order to avoid and eliminate the latent danger, the analysis of the safety risk on the bridge is made and the relative safety measures are presented.
Research conclusions:Through the analysis and study, it is thought the failed vehicle should be moved away within 13 minutes to restore the normal traffic. At the same time, the vehicle and guard rail should be specially designed along with the relative designs of the facilities for the traffic safety according to the characteristics of the BRT vehicle to safeguard the traffic safety.
Received: 29 April 2010
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