Study on Alignment Schemes for Upgrading Existing Track and Construction of Newly-built Track in Jinchengjiang-Duyun Section of Guizhou-Guangxi Railway |
HUANG Bo1, SHI Jun2 |
1. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China; 2. Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, Shandong 255049, China |
Abstract Research purposes:This paper mainly introduces the scheme for upgrading the existing track in Jinchengjiang-Duyun section of Guizhou-Guangxi Railway and researches the scheme for alignments of the newly -built railways of Libo-Sandu, Laocun-Dushan, Mawei-Dushan etc for the purpose of providing the reference to upgrading the existing electrified railway.
Research conclusions:From comparison and research on the various schemes, it is concluded the scheme for upgrading the existing track in Jinchengjing-Duyun section has obvious advantageous. Especially, application of this scheme can make full uses of the existing track and large operational stations along the railway line to save investment and meet the demand of local development. In addition, the existing track passes through the area with relatively better topographic and engineering geological conditions and does not pass through the famous scenery. Therefore, the track alignment in Jinchengjing-Duyun section presented in the upgrading scheme is reasonable.
Received: 08 September 2009
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