Research on the Transport Organization Pattern for Qingdao-Lianyungang Railway |
CHE Yan, NIU Hui-xiang, SONG Kai |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300251, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The Qingdao-Lianyungang Railway is a main railway line to undertake the medium-distance and long-distance passenger traffic with the function of collection and dispersion of goods for the ports. The line’s target speed is 200km/h, so its transport organization pattern is different from the traditional railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic and the passenger dedicated line. The reasonable determination of the transport organization pattern of it directly relates the social and economic benefits of the line.
Research conclusions:After comparison and analyses of the adapt abilities of various transport modes from the areas of the travel time, balance utilization of capacity and cost for buying vehicles, it is decided the Qingdao-Liangyungang Railway Line is a railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic mainly with undertaking passenger traffic. For the passenger traffic, the EUM would be used along with the ordinary train. In this case, it can make full use of the transport capacity of the line to meet demands of the passenger flow and at the same time meet the demands of partial freight traffic.
Received: 04 December 2009
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