Computation Formula for Transient Braking Distance on Outbound and Inbound Tracks of Metro |
LAN Shu-gui, LIN Zeng-liang, ZHANG Peng |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300251, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The "Code for Design of Metro" specifies when the train on outbound track or on inbound track needs the transient stop before entering into the main track and the distance between the stop signal and the fouling post is less than the train braking distance standard, the safety track should be installed. But there is no detailed description on the calculation of braking distance. In this paper, a formula for calculation of braking distance is derived according to the principle of kinematics for the purpose of providing the reference to grasping the installation conditions of safety track during the design process.
Research conclusions: From the comprehensive analysis, it is concluded the principal factors about braking distance are as follows: the train initial speed before brake(V0), the train termination speed(Vt=0) , the train deceleration(ax), the track gradient(i), wind resistance(fwind), the curve resistance of flat circular curve (Δicurve) and the train unit resistance(rresistance). From the derivation and demonstration, the formula for calculation of the braking distance is obtained. With this formula, the braking distance under the most unfavorable condition can calculated to determine whether the safety track is needed or not.
Received: 05 January 2010
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