Research on the Scheme of Leading Changsha-Kunming Passenger Dedicated Line in Loudi Area |
BIAN Li-hu |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300142, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The research is done on the scheme of leading Changsha-Kunming Passenger Dedicated Line in the existing Loudi Railway Station and the scheme of leading Changsha-Kunming Passenger Dedicated Line in newly-built Loudi Railway Station.
Research conclusions:Selection of the station site of passenger dedicated line is constrained by many factors, such as the city planning, unfavorable geology and sensitive area in environment and it is essential to realization of the main functions of the passenger dedicated line, making residents convenient for trave and getting good social and economic benefits. The station site should be selected on consideration of putting man first, the railway network arrangement, the city planning and sensitive area in environment for reducing interference to the existing facilities and selecting the optimal station site so as to achieve that the comprehensive investment is the smallest in main railway construction and urban matching construction and the optimal social and economic benefits are obtained.
Received: 23 November 2009
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