LI Xu-en, LI Gang |
The Tenth engineering Bureau Group Co.Ltd.of Chinese Railway |
Abstract This paper explores the importance of establishing labour service company to promote separation of two levels of state-owned large construction enterprise, discusses the principle of establishing company, operation model of company and resolutions to the relative problems, puts forward that establishing labour service company is an effective way for the construction enterprise to meet requirements of market economy and its development, to improve management level and employees' professional skill, to train professional team, to meet the requirement of professional production , to establish the platform of employment , to use surplus labour force within enterprise rationally and realize rational flow of labourers within the enterprise The principles for establishing labour service company are as follows ; The employee should hold the stock of the company and the property of the company should be multiplied. The company should be operated according to the rules of market and develops step by step. Additionally, labour service company should make its own managerial decision , hold responsible for profit and losses, develop by itself and pay taxes according to the requirements for establishing modern enterprise system. The registered capital of unity professional labour service company should not less than 0.5 million Yuan RMB and the registered capital of overall labour force company should not less than 0.8 million Yuan RMB. Labour service company can be unity skilled professional company and also can be overall skilled company. The suggestions are proposed to the problems in establishing the company, such as business site, employees' identification, personnel management, Party Member and person management and supplement and usage of internal labour force.
Received: 14 July 2005
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