Key Construction Technology for CRTSⅠ Double-block Ballastless Track in Tunnel |
YAN Shao-fa, DING Li-jin, WANG Shan-gao |
CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co. Ltd., Beijing 100088, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Taking construction of the ballastless track in Liulin Tunnel as an example, the key construction technology for CRTSⅠ double -block ballastless track in tunnel is described, such as the technology of CPIII-pointmeasuremen,t track panel assembling, coarse adjustmen,t fine adjustment of track and concrete pouring etc.. These technologies play key role in guaranteeing the precision ofballastless track construction and can be as the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:The precision control of every construction process is the key pointduring the ballastless. The survey control network to meet the measurement precision requirements is essential to laying the ballastless track.However, the real construction quality depends on the quality of the coarse adjustmen,t fine adjustment and concrete pouring. The sequencing and normative construction is also the key point of guaranteeing the track construction quality under condition ofguaranteeing the precision of rail anchor, strutboltand fine turning rail system.
Received: 11 August 2009
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