Study on the Technology forGround Temperature Test in PermafrostRegion |
LIU Zheng-ping |
ChinaRailway FirstSurvey and Design InstituteGroup Ltd, Xia' n, Shanxi710043, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The ground temperature test is a key point of engineering geologic investigation in permafrost region, and the accuracy of the tested result is essential to the rationality of themeasures for the construction in permafrost region because the tested resultwillbe as the basis to the engineering design. As therewere already lots of theworks done on ground temperature tests for construction ofQinghai-TibetRailway, this paper studies and sums up the technology for the ground temperature tests forQinghai-TibetRailway for the purpose ofproviding the reference to the similarworks in permafrost region.
Research conclusions:Based on studying the technology for the ground temperature tests forQinghai-TibetRailway, a complete setof investigation technology is summed up, including the drillingmethod forground temperature, fixing test tube and itswaterproo,f recovery time ofground temperature in drilling, fixing components forground temperature tes,t and collection and analysis ofdata.
Received: 03 December 2008
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