Evaluate andModel the Transportation Equity from DifferentAspects |
SHI Jing, YANG Lang, HUANG Q ian, YING X i-wen |
TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing 100084, China |
Abstract Research purposes:Themathematicalmodels are offered forevaluation of the transportation equity in thispaper.
Research conclusions:The analyses of theoretical essence and representation format for the transportation equity are made from the aspects of different transportation modes, different social groups, different regions, and different generations. The various models are offered for the equity, including the equity model for differentmodes based on minimum of external costs, the equitymodel for different groups based onW ilson entropy assumption, the model forregional equitywith parametersofeconomical leveland price leve,l and the generationalequitymodel forconsidering the change of life quality and preference. These fourmodels from different aspects fully analyze the equity in details, and make itpossible tomodel the equity formathematical evaluation.
Received: 04 November 2008
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