Abstract How to shorten the process of consolidation settlement and control the settlement volume after rein-forcing subgrade in soft soil zone , these are two important issues that should be paid attention to in design and construction of subgrade in soft soil zone of railway line with speed of 200 km/h and above. This paper gives an introduction to new thinking on design and construction of subgrade in soft soil zone of Shanghai Fl Velodrome, namely taking reinforcement technique for subgrade bottom and construction technique for subgrade as inte-gration, basically completing consolidation settlement in short time for different high subgrades and making settle-ment of them close to the same volume. Although , the subgrade in soft soil zone of Passenger Dedicated Line is different from that of velodrome with its own features , but it is helpful to construction of high quality subgrade in soft soil zone of Passenger Dedicated Line railway by drawing an experience of velodrome in design.
Received: 11 March 2004