Research on the Design of Underground Structure in Large Range of Sand Seismic Liquefaction Conditions |
DUAN Ya-gang |
China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co. Ltd, Xi’an, Shanxi 710043, China |
Abstract Combining large range of sand seismic liquefaction conditions in the design of Taiyuan Metro Line 2, the action mechanism of seismic liquefaction to underground structure was studied to ensure security of structure. By the method of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and model test, the adverse effects of liquefaction after the formation of underground structures were revealed. The corresponding control measures can be for reference in the design, construction and research of similar engineering.Research conclusions:Retaining structure of foundation pit and the following non liquefied soil layer form a closed enclosure structure, only processing liquefied sand on the structure bottom and below. Shield tunnel has a flexible, easily affected by earthquake liquefaction, liquefaction of sand in the hole body and below the range, the formation of liquefaction has a great influence on the internal force and deformation, the part of the liquefied sand layer need to be reinforced. In other cases, only in the structural design consider the additional stress influence of the occurrence of liquefaction. The research results can be used as underground structure design with a wide range of seismic liquefaction under formation conditions of reference.
Received: 05 May 2014
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