Design Research of Cantilever Retaining Wall Based on Limit State Design Method |
WEI Yong-xing1, LUO Yi-nong1, LIU Chang-qing2 |
1. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China;
2. Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The cantilever retaining wall is a common retaining structure used at home and abroad. The research on cantilever retaining wall limit state design is to examine the safety of the wall type designed according to current specification and give the limit state design expression to the external stability for calculation. This paper has summed up the research thought of cantilever retaining wall and analyzed the main calculation results, which provides a reference for standard revision and the further study of the earth pressure.
Research conclusions:(1) The research steps of cantilever retaining wall limit state design are to establish a limit state equation, calculate reliability index and determine the target reliability index, calculate partial coefficient and set up the design expression. (2) The reliability index analysis of cantilever retaining wall such as anti-sliding, anti-capsizing and stress of the basement and strength of components showed that the intensity of cantilever retaining wall can achieve integral sliding resistance and component crack control design. (3) The motion resistance calculation of cantilever retaining wall can be designed according to the design expression recommended in this paper. (4) For the structure design of cantilever plate of cantilever retaining wall, partial coefficient should be adjusted according to the earth pressure calculation. (5) The research conclusion can be used for reference in the design of cantilever retaining wall.
Received: 12 May 2014
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