Research on Calculation Method for Capacity of Car Overhaul and Heavy Repair Works in Metro Depots |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The shift operation process is commonly used for the car overhaul and heavy repair in metro depot, the calculations of it scale design and table design are complex,but there is no specification in the "Code for Metro Design”. Based on analyzing the calculation of the capacity of the car repair works and studying the shift operation process,the calculation method for capacity of car overhaul and heavy repair works in metro depot and the applicable conditions are presented in this paper to provide the reference to the design,evaluation and operation management.
Research conclusions :(1)With the shift operation process,the calculation principle of flowing rhythm is suitable for calculation of the repair capacity of metro depot, and the amount of annual repair and conversion of table should be regarded as the indexes of the scale design.(2)The conversion of tables should include all the repair tables for the shift operation process in principle and the matching conditions between the repair time and repair table should be met in design. (3)If car overhaul and heavy repair works are carried out on the same flow operation line,the reduction of coefficient of utilization of the table should be considered and it is prosed to reduce by 0. 5 train.
Received: 04 February 2013
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