Research on Track Alignment of Urban Rail Transit in Valley Pattern City |
YANG Xue - jin |
China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Ltd,Xi'an,Shanxi 710043,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Lanzhou is located in the upper - middle reaches of Yellow River with the Yellow crossing it and it belongs to a valley pattern city. As there are lots of differences between the valley pattern city and other pattern city,the track alignment of the urban rail transit in the valley pattern city can not copy the mode of the other pattern city. According to the Lanzhou Rail Transit Plan,this paper analyzes and summarizes the problems in the track alignment of Lanzhou rail transit for providing the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions: Whether the track alignment is reasonable or not directly impacts the efficiency of the whole urban transportation system because the valley city is limited by its topographic condition and the road resource is in short supply. The track alignment of the rail transit in the valley patten city should consider the influence factors,such as the subjective and objective stream corridor,avoiding the passenger flow in one direction,the demand of the passenger crossing the river and natural gulley.
Received: 12 October 2011
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