Analysis of Structural Performance of ( 90+ 180+ 90) m Continuous Beam and Arch Combined Bridge of Beijing- ShanghaiHigh- speed Railway |
ZHU Zhang- feng1, GUO Zheng- xing1, LIU L i- jun2 |
1. SoutheastUn iversity, N anjing, Jiangsu 210096, Ch ina; 2. The FirstEng ineering Co. Ltd, the CCCC Th irdH ighw ay Eng ineering Co. Ltd, Be ijing 100102, Ch ina |
Abstract Research purposes: The S tructure perform ance o f continuous beam and arch comb ined bridge of Be ijing-ShanghaiH igh- speed Ra ilw ay w as d iscussed. For the longest- span ( 90+ 180 + 90) m continuous beam and arch comb ined bridge of Be ijing - Shangha i H igh - speed R ailw ay, the space member system e lement f inite mode l w as estab lished to detailed ly ca lculate, analyze and research the interna l fo rce and creep deformat ion during bridg ing, live load effec,t long- term creep deflection, load bearing capac ity and dynam ic characteristics fo r the purpose o f know ing the load bearing characterist ics o f the comb ined structure by compar ison w ith sing le continuous beam w ithout considering the arch.
Research conclusions: The cont inuous beam and arch comb ined structure of constructing the beam first and then constructing the arch had the features that the structure cou ld bear load integrally, and the arch cou ld passively bear beam s' selfw eigh,t improve the live load effec,t creep effect and the u lt imate bear ing capac ity and enhance the sa fety deg ree and long- term operation perform ance of the structure. The thrust on the arch spring ing could increase the ax ia l force and deformat ion. M eanw hile, the out- plane v ibrat ion o f the arch occurredm any t imes in the first severa l vibration due to itsw eak out- p lane stiffness.
Received: 28 November 2010
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