Research on the Salt Soluble Disasters of Saline Lake Subgrade along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway in Chaerhan Salt Lake Region
GAO Bao-lin1, WANG Jin-chang1, LI Yong2 |
1. Qinghai-Tibet Railway Company, Xining, Qinghai 810007, China; 2. Northwest Research Institute Co. Ltd of CREC, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China |
Abstract Abstract:Research purposes: The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is the only railway connecting the Tibet regions, but in the salt lake area, the subgrade is highly susceptible to salt dissolution. Some engineering problems including roadbed subsidence, cracking, collapse might occur under the influences of salt dissolution. Considering the characteristics of regional precipitation and engineering activities, the main factors affecting the stability of the subgrade were analyzed through the investigation and geological survey in this paper, so that to provide basis for preventing and controlling the subgrade problems.
Research conclusions:(1) The filled railway subgrade is stable on the salt rock under arid climatic conditions. But in the plateau climate warming and wetting process, the subgrade strength decreases and road settlement increases, because of the seepage and overflowing of the salt lakes, along with the salty water dissolution. (2) The excessive exploitation of potash fertilizer causes sharp decline in the brine water level among the salt rock layers, and salt mining leads to huge amount of low salinity brine emission, resulting in dissolution increasing of the chlorine-dominated salt rock. The railway subgrade is damaged by dissolution karst cave and settlement, causing by the dissolution of salt cementation between soil grains. (3) Measures of laying clay after in-situ grouting, and soil protection berms were suggested to treat the problems of dissolution cave and settlement. (4) This research result can provide references for engineering planning and design under similar conditions in future.
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