Journal of Railway Engineering Society  2016, Vol. 33 Issue (3): 43-47    DOI:
Bridge Engineering Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Design and Research on the Switch Beam Structure of Passenger Dedicated Line Elevated Station Throat Area
(China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd,Wuhan,Hubei 430063 ; China)
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Abstract  Research purposes: With the construction of the domestic passenger dedicated line,some station is located on the viaduct. Seamless switch puts forward special demands on the bridge,bridge type layout should be combined with switch. The width change of station throat area is big,and bridge structure has difficulties to adapt to it. The seamless switch force on the bridge is so large that the bridge substructure design is difficult. So it is necessary to research the switch beam V bridge layout, top and bottom structure form, interaction between beam and rail,bridge dynamic simulation analysis of passenger dedicated line elevated station throat area. Research conclusions :( 1) In throat area using beam bridge that the span is 32. 7 m is appropriate. ( 2) Throat area bridge width change is big,it’s able to adapt to the characteristics by means of using many kinds of structure transverse forms. ( 3 ) The continuous beams on crossing line area are unnecessary to set up multiple fixed pier,still use a single fixed pier. (4) The longitudinal fixed support position of switch beam in throat area decides the size of the longitudinal force of bridge piers,the route expansion force of side beams is larger. (5 ) The forms of the throat areas switch beams change more, so it V necessary to research the reasonable position of their transverse fixed support. (6) Dynamic simulation analysis verifies the driving safety and ride comfort. (7 ) The research result has promotion value for design of the switch beam structure of passenger dedicated line elevated station throat area.
Key wordselevated station       throat area      switch beam     
Received: 08 December 2015     
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CHEN Xin. Design and Research on the Switch Beam Structure of Passenger Dedicated Line Elevated Station Throat Area[J]. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 2016, 33(3): 43-47.
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