RiskControl Technology of Leakage Accident for the Subway Arriving |
ZHOU Cheng,YU Qun -zhou,YANG Jun |
(Huazliong University of Science ; Technology,Wuhan,Hubei 430074,China) |
Abstract Research purposes: In the background of leakage accident in a practical engineering,this paper put forward a treatment technology for the leakage accident in the subway arriving construction in the light of the technology like grouting reinforcement, end precipitation strengthening,segment structure monitoring, surrounding environment monitoring,segment repair and so on. Research conclusions: By processing end reinforcement accident in a practical engineering, this paper arrived at the conclusion:(1) Strict management and fine construction can greatly reduce the risk of end reinforcement. (2) The risk control can be realized by the technology like grouting reinforcement,end precipitation strengthening,segment structure monitoring, surrounding environment monitoring and segment repair. ( 3 ) We should make statistics for the seepage water,and if there is seepage water,use polyurethane to block the leakage water with the standard that the pressure is not more than 0. 4 MPa. (4) Use the inner and outer repairing method to repair the segment. ( 5 ) On the progress of construction,the monitoring of shield segment structure, surrounding surface and housing should be strengthened, monitoring frequency and monitoring sites should be properly encrypted. (6)The subway shield construction plan should be discussed and selected through experts, and the relative safe construction scheme is finally chosen through the comparison. (7)The research can be applied for the risk control of the similar engineering.
Received: 10 July 2015