Research on the Relationsliip between Urban Road Network and Rail Transit Line Network |
WANG Wan – ying |
(The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin 300142,China) |
Abstract Abstract : Research purposes : In recent years,large and medium cities continue to promote the construction of urban rail transit vigorously,line network planning is an important basis for guiding the construction of urban rail transit and long - term development. Urban road is the carrier of the urban rail transit, bus passenger flow along the road is the basis of tlie line in the same direction in the future. In order to understand the relationship between the form of urban road network and rail transit line network,to provide some references for the urban rail transit network planning,the paper summarized the form of two sides,analyzed the relationship of each otlier,and emphasized on the key points of tlie layout of the rail transit line network in the checkerboard type road network and radial + ring road network in theory. Research conclusions:( 1 ) Urban rail transit network and urban road network has some similarity;(2 ) Checkerboard type,radial type,checkerboard + ring,radial + ring network are the often used forms of rail network; (3)The transfer function of the checkerboard type network is strong,so the layout of checkerboard + ring rail network was considered only when the ring flow is developed;( 4 ) The transfer points of t!ie radial + ring network tend to form a polygon,we need to pay attention to the location of the polygon, and notice to optimize the transfer line combination, in order to reduce the number of transfer and improve the ability of access to the road network;( 5 ) The research result can guide the layout of urban rail transit networl^ in practice, and can be applied in specific urban rail transit projects.
Received: 26 December 2016