Journal of Railway Engineering Society  2017, Vol. 34 Issue (8): 34-39    DOI:
Geology and Subgrade Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Shear Strength Test Study of Expansive Soil under Alternate Dry-wet Conditions
CHEN Yong-ai, LIU Fu-chun, ZHANG Hui-ping
(China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China)
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Abstract  Abstract:Research purposes: Based on the 1 to 12 times of dry-wet loop tests on disturbed and compacted samples of medium expansive soil for different loop paths, this paper discusses the relationship between shear strength, swelling ratio, swelling pressure and path of dry-wet loops, number of loops, to identifies the test conditions and circulation parameters of dry-wet loops, as well as to provide the basis for the analysis on slope stability of expansive soils.  Research conclusions: (1)The dry-wet loop test on disturbed and compacted samples of medium expansive soil,the shear strength decreases with the increase of dry-wet loop times. After 5 dry-wet loops, the shear strength tends to stable.(2)The swelling ratio and swelling pressure of expansive soil are not reversible after dry-wet loops. With the increase of dry-wet loop times, the swelling ratio and swelling pressure decreases and tend to be stable after 5 dry-wet loops. Thus, 5 dry-wet loop can be used as the characteristic parameters for test under alternate dry-wet conditions.(3)The results of this study can be used as the standard test method for dry-wet loops and also can be used for the stability analysis of the soil slope. 
Key wordsKey words: engineering geology      expansive soil      dry-wet loop      shear strength      test     
Received: 05 July 2017     
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CHEN Yong-ai
LIU Fu-chun
ZHANG Hui-ping
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CHEN Yong-ai,LIU Fu-chun,ZHANG Hui-ping. Shear Strength Test Study of Expansive Soil under Alternate Dry-wet Conditions[J]. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 2017, 34(8): 34-39.
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