Analysis of Harmful Gas Characteristics in Tunnels in Southern Dabashan Area |
ZHANG Yingxu1, CHEN Minghao1, SU Peidong2, LI Yougui2, TANG Tao2 |
1.China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China; 2. Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610500, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The geological conditions of southern Dabashan area are complex and the harmful gas develops in the strata. The harmful gas enriched seriously threatens the construction and operation of tunnel engineering. Based on the comprehensive utilization of regional structural data, stratigraphic data and oil and gas geological data, this paper studies the geological characteristics and harmful gas characteristics of southern Dabashan area. Combined with the exploration and gas testing results of Xi'an-Chongqing high speed railway, the distribution characteristics of different types of harmful gases in tunnels in southern Dabashan area are defined. This research has guiding significance for ensuring the smooth construction of southern Dabashan area tunnel of Xi'an-Chongqing high speed railway and similar cases in future projects. Research conclusions: (1) The harmful gas types in southern Dabashan area are mainly coal seam gas and non coal harmful gas, and the main component of the gas is methane(CH4). (2) From the northeast to the southwest of southern Dabashan area, the harmfulness of harmful gas to the tunnel is gradually increasing. (3) The research results can provide reference for the study of tunnel harmful gas in similar strata and structural areas at the edge of Sichuan Basin.
Received: 26 September 2022
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