Disaster-causing Mechanism of Active Faults and Its Application in Route Selection in CZ Railway |
BI Qiang, LI Wei, LIN Shijin |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The plate activity along the CZ railway is intense and the structure is developed. There are 11 Holocene active faults distributed along the section from CZ railway, with 11 lines passing through them. More than 50% of the lines are located in the earthquake intensity area of 8 degrees or above. Seismic activity in the region is frequent and intense, with 354 earthquakes of magnitude 4.7 or above recorded in history, and the largest earthquake was Chayu and Medog earthquakes of magnitude 8.6 in Tibet on August 15, 1950, which brought unprecedented challenges to the selection of route schemes and disaster prevention and mitigation. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically study the disaster-causing mechanism of active faults. Research conclusions: (1) The active faults have five disaster-causing mechanisms such as "upper plate effect, distance effect, terrain effect, persistent effect and follow-up effect". (2) Railway route selection in high-intensity earthquake areas should adopt the countermeasures of "avoiding active plate, away from faults, avoiding dangerous slopes and crossing directly". (3) The engineering setting shall follow the principles of "stabilizing stratum, simplifying engineering, first selecting tunnel and leave some leeway", etc. (4) The conclusion can provide reference for railway survey, design and engineering construction in Yunnan-Tibet, China-Nepal and other complex and dangerous mountainous areas.
Received: 08 December 2021
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