Experimental Study on Design of Near Rail Noise Barrier for Wenzhou Surburban Railway |
DING Yachao |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Our country encourages surburban railways to adopt elevated or ground laying system, which need low noise elevated rail transit technology to provide environmental protection support. Through this research, a new method to reduce railway noise in surburban railways is found. Research conclusions: (1) It is the first time in China to adopt the method of combining design research and engineering test for the near rail noise barrier of Wenzhou S1 line. Based on the analysis of noise sources, considering load, clearance, connection with existing bridge deck system, acoustic performance of sound barrier unit plate, structural safety and other factors, the combination design of near rail sound barrier and track bed is proposed. (2) The effect is verified by engineering test, the noise source intensity of the train 25 m away from the track center line and 3.5 m above the track surface is reduced from 80 dB to 66 dB, the insertion loss of near orbit noise barrier is 11~13 dB, the project cost is saved by 21%~46% compared with the traditional noise barrier. (3) The noise reduction effect of near rail noise barrier technology is good, the investment is low, the construction is simple, safe and reliable, the landscape is good, and it can provide reference for the vibration and noise reduction scheme of surburban railway.
Received: 18 May 2022
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