Journal of Railway Engineering Society  2023, Vol. 40 Issue (1): 1-4    DOI:
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Discussion on the Interbedded Soil Seismic Liquefaction Discrimination in Railway Engineering
FAN Jin, ZHAO Ping
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China
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Abstract  Research purposes: In Jiangsu and other coastal areas, interbedded strata with rhythmic deposition of cohesive soil, silt and silt sand are widely distributed. At present, there is still a lack of empirical data on the liquefaction of interbedded soil, and there are few targeted studies. The liquefaction properties of such stratum are still unclear. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss how to discriminate the seismic liquefaction of interbedded soil, so as to provide design basis for all kinds of railway engineering.
Research conclusions:(1) The Code for Seismic Design of Railway Engineering is not applicable to the liquefaction discrimination of interbedded soil; Interbedded soil detailed liquefaction discrimination cannot match the preliminary discrimination in the Code for Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering(Jiangsu); The reference value of interbedded soil liquefaction discrimination results of the Specification for Geotechnical Investigation in Soft Clay Area reduced. (2) The test methods for interbedded soil liquefaction discrimination in current codes and specifications have problems of mismatching the discrimination depth, reduction coefficient and liquefaction grade, which brings difficulties to practical application. (3) At present, there is a lack of empirical data on the liquefaction of interbedded soil, and the seismic damage data of such strata need to be further accumulated and studied. (4) At present, it is still unclear how to discriminate the liquefaction of interbedded soil. It is advisable to comprehensively judge the liquefaction of interbedded soil by using various methods on the basis of referring to the relevant codes and specifications of interbedded soil, which is beneficial to the engineering safety. (5) This research can provide a reference for the investigation and design of railway engineering in Jiangsu.
Key wordsrailway      interbedded soil      seismic liquefaction     
Received: 20 September 2022     
PACS:  U211.9  
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FAN Jin,ZHAO Ping. Discussion on the Interbedded Soil Seismic Liquefaction Discrimination in Railway Engineering[J]. Journal of Railway Engineering Society, 2023, 40(1): 1-4.
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