Some Problems of the Layered Beam Model and Algorithm of Track Dynamics |
LEI Xiaoyan1, WANG Hai2, YIN Xuejun3 |
1. MOE Engineering Research Center of Railway Environment Vibration and Noise, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330013, China; 2. Guangzhou Metro Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510010, China; 3. Gerb(Qingdao)Vibration Control Co. Ltd, Qingdao, Shandong 266108, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Because of its simplicity, the layered beam model of track structure is widely used in the analysis of track dynamics and vehicle-track coupling system dynamics. However, whether the simplified layered beam model of track structure can reflect the deformation and dynamic characteristics of actual track structure in semi-infinite space, and how accurate the vibration response of the vehicle and the track structure calculated using the layered beammodel of the vehicle-track structure is, have not been systematically studied yet. In this paper, by establishing a nonlinear coupled system dynamics model of the vehicle-layered track structure, an explicit algorithm for solving the dynamics equations of the vehicle and the track structure independently by using the cross iteration method is presented. The calculated results for the layered beam model of the track structure and the 3D block element model of the track structure, and the calculated difference between the layered beam model of the track structure and the semi-infinite space model of the track structure are compared and analyzed. Then, the applicability of the layered beam model of track structure in vehicle-track coupling system dynamics analysis is investigated. At the same time, the computational efficiency, accuracy and characteristics for the cross iteration algorithm and the traditional coupled equation solution are compared in solving the dynamic response of the vehicle-track coupling system. Research conclusions: (1)It is feasible to use the layered beam model to simulate the track structure with good accuracy, and is able to meet the analysis requirements of engineering problems.(2)The cross iteration algorithm is more efficient, more accurate, less time consuming and easier to program than the traditional coupled equation method,and it is not only suitable for linear wheel-rail contact analysis, but also suitable for nonlinear wheel-rail contact analysis.(3)By introducing the relaxation factor to modify the wheel-rail contact force, the convergence speed of thecross iteration algorithm can be accelerated.(4)The feasibility of the layered beam model of track structure and the superiority of the cross iteration algorithm for solving have been verified, providing references for efficient modeling and accurate analysis of high-speed railway track dynamics.
Received: 27 June 2022
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