Study on Movement Characteristics of Debris Flow in Cuojiu Gully and Assessment of Its Engineering Impact |
GE Chao |
Xi'an Tieyi Institute Engineering Consulting Management Co. Ltd, Xi'an,Shannxi 710043, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The Yarlung Tsangpo River basin is located in the active tectonic zone between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate. Its unique geological background, complex topography, and diverse climate zones contribute to large-scale, high-speed, and sudden debris flows in this region. The Cuojiu Gully debris flow is a valley located in the upper reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo River basin. This article analyzes and evaluates the disaster-prone environment, geometric characteristics, and motion parameters of this valley to provide technical support for downstream projects and serve as a reference for impact assessment of other similar debris flow projects in mountainous areas. Research conclusions: (1)The comprehensive analysis of the history of debris flow activity, climate characteristics, geological conditions of the main channel, topographic conditions of the basin, material source and water sourceconditions shows that the Cuojiu Gully has the conditions for the outbreak of super-large rainstorm debris flow. (2)Based on the quantitative scoring method of debris flow susceptibility and the grain size distribution analysis method of deposits, the bulk density of the debris flow in Cuojiu Gully is determined to be 1.76 g/cm3 under the condition of 100-year return period, and it is determined that the debris flow in Cuojiu Gully is a dilute debris flow. Under this condition, the velocity, peak discharge, overall impact force of debris flow, impact force of block stone, primary total6amount and primary maximum accumulation thickness of debris flow in Cuojiu Gully are 2.5 m/s,1 043.94 m3/s,11 kPa,41.70 kN,148.76×104 m3 and 12.31 m, respectively.(3)The evaluation results of the susceptibility,development stage,activity intensity and risk of debris flow in Cuojiu Gully show that the debris flow is in the "development stage (prime stage)", the susceptibility level is "easy to occur", the activity intensity is "very strong", and the risk of debris flow is "high risk".(4)Under the 100-year return period condition, the maximum impact height of debris flow at 160 m downstream of the gully is 13.22 m, and the impact width is about 620 m.(5)The evaluation result of the impact of debris flow gully on the line scheme based on this method can be used as an important basis for line optimization and project setting in complex mountainous areas.
Received: 11 October 2023
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