Analysis of Deformation Control of High-speed Railway Subgrade on Expansive Soil Foundation |
YAO Yuchun1, LI Anhong1, CHEN Weizhi1, DING Xuanming2, CUI Xinzhuang2 |
1. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China; 2. Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Expansive soil foundation is widely distributed in China, and its strength decreases significantly after immersion. The swelling and shrinkage deformation caused by water absorption and loss is repeated, and the engineering hazard is extremely high. The existing railway and highway subgrade diseases are very prominent. The problems of expansive soil slope stability and subgrade slurry overflow have been solved. The deformation of ordinary railway and highway subgrade has also been well controlled, but its settlement control standard is 20~30 cm. High-speed railway uses millimeter level deformation as the control standard. The construction of high-speed railway subgrade on an expansive soil foundation must solve two technical problems: the expansion arch deformation of road cuts and low embankments, and the settlement deformation of high embankments. Research conclusions:(1) The expansion amount of natural expansive soil foundation after water immersion is significantly greater than the limit value of ballastless track railway maintenance. The flexible filling body of the roadbed has a good buffering effect on the expansion and contraction deformation of expansive soil. (2) During the construction period, the natural expansive soil foundation filling the roadbed can achieve more than 80% of the total settlement, and the composite foundation reinforcement treatment can exceed 90%. When the filling height on the overconsolidated expansive soil foundation is not high, the total settlement of the reinforced foundation and the natural foundation is relatively small. (3) Embankment-type cutting structure should be adopted for expansive soil foundation and low embankment engineering, with all roadbed areas replaced and drainage measures strengthened. Small diameter and small spacing CFG piles should be used for foundation reinforcement. Shallow layers of 4~6 meters should be reinforced for general embankments, and settlement calculation analysis should be conducted for high embankment foundation treatment based on general soil foundation. (4) This research result can provide a useful reference for the construction of high-speed railways on expansive soil foundations.
Received: 25 July 2024
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