Effect of Cement on the Mechanical and Crack Resistance of Railway Bridge Pier Concrete |
LI Shuming, DENG Qingshan, XIE Yongjiang, LIU Jing, ZHANG Chi, YU Peiyun |
China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited,Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Portland cement was the main cementitious material for railway concrete. In order to study the performance of anti-cracking cement and improve the anti-cracking performance of plateau railway bridge pier concrete from the perspective of cement, the differences between anti-cracking cement and general silica cement in working performance, hydration performance, mechanical properties, drying shrinkage properties and anti-cracking properties were systematically compared, and a comparative test was carried out in the solid pier. Through the study of the internal temperature and strain change law of pier concrete, the effect of cement on crack resistance of the plateau bridge pier concrete is evaluated comprehensively. Research conclusions: (1) Compared with general silica cement, the water requirement of crack resistant cement is lower, the hydration rate slows down and the hydration heat decreases in the early stage, the hydration activity decreases in the early stage, and the strength decreases slightly in the early stage, but the strength develops stably and exceeds that of general silica cement in the late stage. The bending ratio of crack resistant cement at the same age is obviously higher than that of general silica cement, showing better toughness. (2) The dry shrinkage rate of concrete prepared with anti-cracking cement is significantly lower than that of general silicon cement, and the anti-cracking property of concrete is significantly improved. (3) The application of crack resistant cement in pier concrete can reduce the core temperature of pier concrete, the temperature peak of core can be reduced by 5.0 ℃, and the strain of core concrete and surface concrete can be significantly reduced, the strain of core can be reduced by 50%, and the strain of surface concrete can be reduced by 40%, thus improving the crack resistance of plateau pier concrete. (4) The application of crack resistant cement can be used as an effective means to improve the crack resistance of railway bridge pier concrete.
Received: 07 April 2023
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