Intelligent Tamping Technology for Railway Ballasted Track Based on Inertial Navigation Data |
XU Hong, WEN Zhu |
China Railway First Group Co. Ltd, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710000, China |
Abstract Research purposes: With the continuous development of railway construction, the speed of China's ballasted railways is also constantly increasing. Currently, ballasted railways with a speed of 200 km/h and above have accounted for a considerable proportion in railway construction. Correspondingly, in the Construction Quality Acceptance Standards for High Speed Railway Track Engineering (TB 10754-2010) released in 2010, the process of track precision adjustment and sorting was added based on the characteristics of high-speed ballasted railways. This process was adopted in the subsequent 2018 version. At present, due to different interpretations of technical specifications by various construction units, their practices in track precision adjustment and sorting operations vary greatly, and the results also differ greatly. The intelligent compaction technology for railway ballasted tracks based on inertial navigation data aims to use the CPⅢ track control network as a basis, and use the inertial vehicle measurement system for measurement and data analysis, providing timely and effective data support for the precise adjustment operation of large machinery maintenance equipment. By upgrading and renovating the GVA control system of the 08-32 tamping truck, it is possible to import track measurement data in bulk, avoiding errors and misoperations when manually entering data, and improving the quality and efficiency of precision tuning operations. Through the application of the advanced technologies mentioned above, a complete set of precision adjustment process methods suitable for high-speed railway ballasted tracks has been summarized, enabling the newly built ballasted tracks to quickly achieve high smoothness and stability, ensuring construction quality, reducing the number of on-site precision adjustment operations and disturbance to fasteners, improving construction efficiency, and ensuring construction safety. Research conclusions: (1) Based on the inertial navigation vehicle measurement system and the independently upgraded 08-32 compaction vehicle, a complete set of technology for precise adjustment and sorting of ballasted tracks has been developed, which has high precision, advanced technology, safety and reliability, and significant work efficiency.(2) The application of inertial navigation vehicle measurement system for measuring and data analysis of ballast track precision adjustment construction has high measurement efficiency and accuracy, which can provide timely and effective data support for the precision adjustment operation of large machinery maintenance equipment.(3) The upgraded and renovated 08-32 tamping truck with GVA control system has improved the level of automation, increased operational efficiency, expanded the scope of adaptation, and achieved high operational accuracy.(4) This technology can be widely applied to the precise adjustment of railway ballasted tracks with a speed of 200 km/h or above, achieving rapid compliance of the geometric dimensions of ballasted tracks.
Received: 10 January 2024
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