Precise Location Technology of Tracks Station Catenary Fault Based on Current Direction |
LI Zhe |
Guoneng Shuohuang Railway Development Co. Ltd, Suning,Hebei 062350, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The catenary of the electrified railway station and yard hub has complex structure and numerous branches. Once a fault occurs, manual inspection can only be relied on to find the fault point, which is time-consuming and laborious. To solve this problem, current detection sensors are installed on the nodes of the substation outgoing line and the catenary of each branch track to detect and calculate the current amplitude and direction. Accordingly, an accurate fault location method for station and yard catenary based on current direction is proposed in this paper. Research conclusions: (1) The current amplitude of the grid point on the outgoing line can determine whether there is a fault in the station and yard hub. Once the fault is found, the monitoring computer collects the current waveform sampled by all current detection sensors, and the occurred fault information uploaded by the edge current sensor. (2) Once the fault is found on the edge current sensor, the fault section is in the outside of the sensor. (3) The current angles of each adjacent sensors are calculated, and the current directions of the catenary are obtained. Once the opposite direction current is found, and the fault section can be determined. (4) The research results can be applied to the precise location of the fault catenary in electrified railway station and yard hub, and are suitable for the field of traction power supply.
Received: 02 August 2023
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