Analysis of Soft Rock Deformation of Tianpingshan Tunnel of Guiyang -Guangzhou Railway |
FU Kai - long,CAI Jia - peng,FENG Tao |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Predicting and monitoring the soft rock deformation is a complex and important work in railway engineering,and searching an effective method for predicting and monitoring the soft rock deformation is of significance.
Research conclusions: For the soft rock deformation of the Tianpingshan Tunnel,the comprehensive survey was conducted and the analysis of the deformation range and deformation level caused by the excavation was made from the lithology characters, structure and ground stress. It can be seen from the current excavation that the prediction of the deformation of the the incline shaft 2 and the main tunnel that under - passes the Chaotang Fault Zone is rather reasonable and whether the prediction of the deformation of carbonaceous shale area is correct or not,it needs waiting for comparing it with the excavation result.
Received: 10 December 2010
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