Design and 3D Numerical Analysis of a Deep Excavation in Close Proximity to Sensitive Properties |
CHANG Lin - yue,SHEN Jian,XU Zhong - hua |
East China Architecture Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd. ,Shanghai 200002,China |
Abstract Research purposes: With the increasing depth and size of the excavations,as well as the more complex and sensitive surrounding environmental conditions,more stringent deformation control requirements are needed for the excavation engineering. As a result accurate prediction of the deformation of the excavation and surrounding environments becomes very important.
Research conclusions: The design scheme of a deep excavation in close to 6 - storey brick residential building in Shanghai soft soil and the technical measures for surrounding environment projection are described in detail. Then the three - dimensional finite element model is established to simulate the influence of excavation on the adjacent buildings by PLAXIS 3D Foundation program. Calculated deformation of the retaining wall and the settlements of the adjacent buildings are in good agreement with the measured values. The influence of excavation on surrounding environments is effectively predicted by the proposed model and analysis method,which provide an important reference for the design and construction.
Received: 21 May 2011
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