Study on Reinforcement Effect of Shield Tunnel Adjacent to Existing Pile Foundation with Churning Pile |
KOU Xiao - qiang,YANG Jing - fang,YE Guo - liang,CAO Yong - hua |
CCCC Tianjin Port Engineering Institute Co. Ltd,Tianjin 300222,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The churning pile is commonly used for the key parts to reduce the influence of the shield construction on the adjacent building. Therefore,it is necessary to do the research on the reinforcement effect during the construction,the influences of the reinforcement on the stress and deformation of the existing building and the occurrence and development laws of the deformation of the building during the shield tunnel under - passing the exiting building.
Research conclusions: From the simulation of the process of the shield tunneling through the adjacent piles with the ANSYS and the comparison of the simulation result with the in - situ measured results,it was revealed that the main deformation of the piles was up floating and lateral banding. In the process of the excavation of the non - reinforced body by the churning pile,the maximum calculated and measured up floating value was 2 mm while the maximum lateral deformation volume was 5. 7 mm. From the analysis of the influence of the reinforcement by the churning pile on the deformation of the pile foundation,it was concluded the reinforcement by the churning pile could effectively cut the lateral deformation of the pile foundation during shield tunnelling. Concretely speaking,after reinforcement by the churning pile,the lateral deformation of No. 1 pile body was cut by 28. 5% and the lateral deformation of No. 2 pile body was cut by 42. 2%.
Received: 20 May 2011
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