Reliability Analysis of Deep Excavation Based on Field Monitoring Data |
ZHU Hong - hu1,YE Xiao - wei2,RAN Long3 |
1. Nanjing University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210093,China; 2. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong,China; 3. Hangzhou Metro Group Co. Ltd,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310003,China |
Abstract Research purposes: There are considerable uncertainties existing in deep excavation activities and the field monitoring data cannot directly reflect the present excavation stability condition in most cases. In this paper,combing Bayesian updating with Monte Carlo finite element method,real - time reliability assessment of stability during the excavation of Pengbu station of Hangzhou Metro is performed based on field measurement data.
Research conclusions: The results show that,in comparison with conventional method,it is more rational to estimate the failure probability of deep excavation by use of field monitoring data. This method can effectively enhance the accuracy of excavation stability analysis and avoid the problems resulting from the errors of the inclinometer readings. The horizontal displacement monitoring data of the diaphragm wall can be used as the input information of reliability analysis. The selection of failure criteria has a significant influence on the stability analysis results. The proposed method can compensate for the limitations of conventional reliability analysis and is a promising alternative method for stability analysis of excavation based on field monitoring data.
Received: 10 May 2011
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