Discussion on Method for Prefabricating Cushion Cap of Bridge Pier in Water |
China Railway Group Limited,Beijing 100039,China |
Abstract Research purposes: As there are lots of big rivers in China,the construction technology of the bridge pier in water has been widely used for the municipal projects,highway projects and railway projects. In construction of bridges in China, the open excavation foundation pit, ordinary - support foundation pit, building artificial island and surrounding wall,and building surrounding wall with concrete pile,steel plate pile,steel tube pile,single wall steel,double wall steel,thin wall concrete,boxed cofferdam,pouring jacket and continuous wall are used for the cushion cap.The discussion is made on the construction technology of the cushion cap of the bridge pier in water to cut the construction cost and promote the progress of the construction technology of bridge on the premise of ensuring the construction safety,quality and process.
Research conclusions: The high - order prefabricating technology for the bridge pier in water has been used in foreign country,but not be used in China. From the analysis and research it is concluded the high - order prefabricating technology for the bridge pier in water is available with the features of good universal property,advanced technology,safety,reliability and and good economical efficiency. After further optimization and tests, the high - order prefabricating technology for the bridge pier in water can be widely used.
Received: 12 August 2011
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